World Asthma Day 2024: is now translated in 3 new languages – French, Spanish and Italian

Today is World Asthma Day 2024, themed “Asthma Education Empowers”! We are excited to announce that from now on is available in three new languages: French, Italian and Spanish. This is a great opportunity to ensure access to reliable information and tips about asthma for patients and carers worldwide.

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Giornata Mondiale del Polmone 2023: EFA lancia il sito web per aiutare i pazienti asmatici in Europa

Oggi la  European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations – EFA in collaborazione con la Piattaforma Globale per i Pazienti con Allergie e Malattie delle Vie Aeree (GAAPP), lancia un sito web educativo sull’asma destinato a pazienti e ai loro caregivers –!

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