Allergy UK
Viajar de aviao com oxigénio na Europa
Associação Portuguesa de Pessoas com DPOC e Outras Doenças - Portuguese Association of People with COPD and Other Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Asthma action plan
Asthma Society of Ireland
Allergien vorbeugen – Testen Sie das Allergierisiko Ihres Kindes
Deutscher Allergie- und Asthmabund e.V. (DAAB) - German Allergy and Asthma Association
Fisioterapia Respiratoria
Federación Española de Asociaiones de Pacientes Alérgicos y con Enfermedades Respiratorias (FENAER) - Spanish Federation of Respiratory Diseases’ Associations
Dalla gabbia al cielo: storie di respiri
FederASMA e ALLERGIE Onlus - Italian Federation of Asthma and Allergy
Liste des ecoles de l’asthme declarees a l’ars
Association Asthme & Allergies - French Asthma and Allergies Association
Spazio d’ascolto Psicologico
APS Respiriamo Insieme
Austrian Lung Union – Österreichische Lungen-Union
Solunum yolu alerjileri
Living with Allergy Association - Alerji ile Yasam Dernegi